Announcing Our Virtual Campaign For World Maternal Mental Health Day



The Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative (CPMHC) has partnered with advocate @BonnieBurns of mombrain_n_spitstains on IG to create one live event for World Maternal Mental Health Day Wednesday May 6th from 10:00 am – 12:30 pm. We have gathered an impressive list of speakers for our event – Patricia Tomasi and Jaime Charlebois of CPMHC, Genevieve Desrochers, person with lived experience/Doula, Dr. Simone Vigod of WCH, Reproductive Life Stages Program, and Dr. Danielle Watson, Naturopath. We are also very excited to offer a one-hour free yoga session with Ann Schreppers from Nicaragua.

We have gathered donations from business within Toronto, Barrie, Orillia, and Collingwood. If you are from one of these areas comment below with your name and where you’re from by Monday May 4th, like and share our page, and you will be entered in the draw to win one of the area-specific prizes. We will be announcing the winners throughout our live event.

💙WE NEED YOUR VIDEOS 💙 👉 The CPMHC is excited to announce our VIRTUAL CAMPAIGN for World Maternal Mental Health Day coming up on May 6th! Our first ever theme this year will be #NOWmorethanEVER and we’re inviting everyone who cares about perinatal mental health in Canada to send in a video stating:

1. Your name

2. Where you’re from

4. Why moms, dads and partners need help #nowmorethanever

(Send videos to

We’ll be posting videos starting now until May 6th. 💚

Looking forward to seeing your videos!

Picture of CPMHC