Canadian Perinatal Mental


Calling for a national strategy for perinatal mental health

Welcome to the official site for The Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative

Welcome to the official site for the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative!

We are Canada’s first and only perinatal mental health advocacy organization calling on the federal government to enact a national perinatal mental health strategy.

Our National Committee is comprised of numerous heath care practitioners, researchers, and individuals with lived experience representing all provinces and territories. Our Social Media Ambassadors are savvy individuals with lived experience who help us with our social media campaigns.

Media Highlights

Check out Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative’s (CPMHC) recent media features which includes videos and articles!

The Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative is no longer in operation. For all inquiries related to Flora’s Walk or the Directory of Service Providers previously managed by CPMHC, please reach out to Life With a Baby at / 

info @

Thank you for all your support

After five tremendous years of outstanding advocacy work in the field of perinatal mental health care in Canada, the time has come to say goodbye to the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative.
With immense gratitude and heartfelt thanks, we have decided to formally close our non profit operations.
While it’s sad to say goodbye, the good news is that our vital work will continue thanks to a partnership with @lifewithababy who will be taking on Flora’s Walk and the Directory of Service Providers as well as other CPMHC endeavours.
We’re thrilled that the perinatal mental health community we’ve built will continue to grow and flourish under the leadership of Claire Zlobin and with the thriving perinatal mental health community she’s built over the past 17 years.
Thank you for all your support!
We have made tremendous progress together.
Co-founders, Patricia Tomasi and Jaime Charlebois want to thank each and every person who has supported the vision for a national strategy and timely access to perinatal mental health services.
We will be watching with anticipation as the CANMAT Clinical Guidelines for Perinatal Mood & Anxiety-Related Disorders is released, an annnoucement by Health Canada at our 2nd annual Flora’s Walk we fought hard for that will be the enduring legacy of the CPMHC along with all the funds raised at over 100 Flora’s Walks in support of perinatal mental health programming across Canada. We’re also proud of the anthology we published, You Are Not Alone, featuring true stories from conception to postpartum from 49 Canadian moms across the 49th parallel and meeting with the Prime Minister who listened to us and made a promise to make lasting change.
Thank you to our political perinatal mental health champions for standing up in provincial legislatures and in the House of Commons and fighting for timely access to services. Please continue to speak out!
Thank you to our passionate volunteers! None of this could have been possible without you.
We have loved advocating with you and we know you’re going to continue making a difference in the lives of individuals and families.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.