

Campaign Now Ended

(la version française suit après) Help us convince the federal government that we need a perinatal mental health strategy – NOW. 

We launched our #SURVEY4CHANGE for family doctors, OBs, midwives, doulas, social workers, psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, and any health care practitioner that sees and cares for pregnant and postpartum parents. 

Our deadline was December 15th, 2020. Results are being analyzed currently. 

We are hoping to learn about different screening and treatment practices across Canada so we can identify the gaps as well as what’s working in different jurisdictions.

Notre « Sondage pour un changement *** 

https://bit.ly/perinatalhcp*** pour médecin de famille, obstétricienne-gynécologue, sage-femme, accompagnante à la naissance, travailleuse sociale, psychiatre, psychologue, et infirmière. Tout professionnel de la santé qui traite directement des populations en santé mentale périnatale pouvait remplir ce questionnaire.

L’étude vise à cerner les lacunes dans le dépistage et le traitement offerts en santé mentale périnatale aux femmes enceintes et à leurs partenaires. 

Les observations issues de cette recherche nous permettront d’avoir une meilleure idée des services disponibles en ce moment et de mettre en évidence les endroits où il faudrait en ajouter d’autres. Cette étude a été approuvée par le comité d’éthique en recherche des facultés conjointes de l’Université de Calgary (REB20-0700)

The CPMHC hopes the results of their survey will shed light on the state of perinatal mental health care in Canada and help guide the Government of Canada in creating a national perinatal mental health strategy.

 The survey can be completed anonymously by any health care practitioner in Canada with perinatal clients/patients. Health care practitioners can include physicians/family doctors, obstetricians/gynaecologists, paediatricians, psychiatrists, nurses, midwives, naturopathic doctors, registered dieticians, psychotherapists, psychologists, social workers, chiropractors, physiotherapists, and any others not listed here that deal directly with clients in the preconception, pregnancy and/or postpartum time periods.


Picture of CPMHC