CPMHC Research - Journal Publications
Examining the Gaps in Perinatal Mental Health Care: A qualitative study of the perceptions of perinatal service providers in Canada, Frontiers in Global Women’s Health, March 15, 2023, Volume 4
A call to revisit recommendations for instrument-based perinatal depression screening in Canada, commentary on Lang et al. 2022, Canadian Medical Association Journal, December 4th, 2022
Assessment of Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Services from the Provider Perspective: Where can we improve?, Frontiers in Psychiatry, September 23rd, 2022
National Report: Time For Action – Why Canada Needs A National Perinatal Mental Health Strategy Now
May 2021
On May 5th, the day our Report was released, MP Heather McPherson presented a Motion in the House of Commons asking for support for a National Perinatal Mental Health Strategy and to delcare the first Wednesday of May annually as World Maternal Mental Health Day which the Government of Canada and all parties agreed to UNANIMOUSLY!
While it’s not binding, meaning the government doesn’t have to act on the motion, it is an extremely positive step in the right direction!