Flora's Walk for Perinatal Mental Health
Join Flora's Walk and Help Improve Perinatal Mental Health Care Across Canada
*** New for Flora’s Walk 2025 — DONATION RECEIPTS will be able to be provided thanks to a collaboration with the Life With a Baby Foundation. For more information on how to participate, please contact Claire Zlobin at the Life With a Baby Foundation. ***
To participate in Flora’s Walk, sign up as an individual or create a team at FlorasWalk.ca.
What is Flora’s Walk?
Flora’s Walk is Canada’s largest perinatal mental health fundraiser taking place in over 50 cities across Canada. The event culminates in May, World Maternal Mental Health Month, where, after months of fundraising and planning, walks and events are held in cities across Canada throughout the month of May to call attention to the need for improved perinatal mental health care.
Who was Flora?
Flora’s Walk is named about Canadian mother, Flora Babakhani, who tragically lost her life in 2022 to undetected and undiagnosed and untreated postpartum psychosis. We honour Flora and all those who have lost their lives to perinatal mental illness and fight for those struggling to receive care.
See our Flora’s Walk 2024 Photo Gallery HERE
The Impact of Flora’s Walk
Since 2022, over 100 organizations who have received funds through Flora’s Walk have provided free to low cost support groups and therapy across Canada.
In 2023, at Flora’s Walk in Ottawa on Parliament Hill, the Minister of Mental Health and Addictions announced funding to start work on Canada’s first ever clinical national guidelines for perinatal mental health. CPMHC is thrilled to be Principal Advisors for this work.
Read a Summary of Flora’s Walk 2024 HERE
Read a Summary of Flora’s Walk 2023 HERE
Read a Summary of Flora’s Walk 2022 HERE
How Flora’s Walk Works:
To participate in Flora’s Walk, sign up and create your own fundraising page at FlorasWalk.ca.
Once you’ve signed up, we will reach out to you to decide which organization you will be fundraising for in your community.
Read our Frequently Asked Questions HERE
Breakdown of Funds:
The breakdown of funds for Flora’s Walk 2025 is as follows:
- 70% to organization providing perinatal mental health programming
- 30% to CPMHC to cover admin fees and continue our advocacy work
How an Organization is Approved for Funding:
We will send an application form to the organization you wish to fundraise for and once it has been approved, you can start sharing your fundraising page link with friends and family from now until March 31st, 2025.
CPMHC is accepting applications with the goal of:
- Increasing awareness of perinatal mental health;
- Creating and sustaining programming that is free or low cost;
- Providing training for professionals who support perinatal mental health;
- Reducing the risk of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders in populations with a significant need.
Organizations involved in perinatal mental health work in Canada (charities, non-profits, private) can apply to raise funds for local perinatal mental health programming.
If you’re an organization that wishes to sign up and create a team, once you do so at FlorasWalk.ca, we will reach out to you with the application form to fill out.
Become a Walk Leader and/or Help Plan a Walk Event for May:
We will also ask you if you’d like to help or lead a Flora’s Walk event in your community. If so, we will put you in touch with your fellow community Flora’s Walk participants to work together to plan an event.
CPMHC is with you every step of the way. We hold bi-weekly drop in zoom meetings that go over everything from initial sign up to permits, to sponsors and walk event planning.
1-2 Walk Leaders per community will receive FREE enrolment in the Perinatal Mental Health Certificate Program thanks to our partnership with Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Trainings.
Become a Sponsor
If you’d like to sponsor a Flora’s Walk in your community, please email us at canpmhc@gmail.com.
Sponsors will have their logo placed on the cpmhc.ca website and shared on social media (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn).
These are our sponsorship breakdowns:
More about Perinatal Mental Health
Perinatal refers to the time period from conception to one year postpartum and beyond.
1 in 5 mothers and 1 in 10 fathers struggle with perinatal mental health issues during that time including prenatal and/or postpartum depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, panic disorder, bipolar disorder, and psychosis.
Unfortunately, less than 15% of people receive treatment in Canada.
Canada does not have a national perinatal mental health strategy and lags behind many other countries including the UK, Australia, and the US in providing quality and timely perinatal mental health care.
A survey revealed that 97% of health practitioners believe perinatal mental health care in Canada is insufficient.
Flora’s Walk was started by the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative, a non profit organization working to improve timely access to perinatal mental health services.
Flora’s Walk is Canada’s largest perinatal mental health fundraiser and all funds remain in Canada.
Please join us in raising funds and awareness for perinatal mental health care in Canada.
Sign up at www.FlorasWalk.ca
#perinatalmentalhealth #postpartumpsychosis #FlorasWalk4PMH
Mimi kept trying to reassure Flora that once she had Amber, she would be so happy
and everything would be well.
Mimi wishes Flora would have received help for her anxiety during her pregnancy.
“I wish that someone had seen how overly anxious and upset she was,” Mimi told us.
“She never told me that anyone assessed her or asked her about her mental health.”
Mimi believes her sister struggled with mental health issues her whole life. At age 39,
Flora, a chartered accountant, was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder due
to past events in her life and went on medication. When she started trying to get
pregnant, however, she stopped taking her medication for fear that it would harm her
baby. No one told her otherwise.
Flora gave birth to Amber via a scheduled C-section at 37 weeks on November 4th,
“Flora was so happy. She was ecstatic,” Mimi told us. “She was showing us Amber. She was telling us how amazing she felt. She couldn’t believe she had a beautiful healthy baby girl. She was on cloud nine, on top of the world, just really, really happy.” When Flora didn’t return Mimi’s calls the next few days, Mimi just thought Flora was busy being a new mom. But when Flora eventually called Mimi three days later, Mimi began to get worried. “She was hysterical, absolutely hysterical,” Mimi told us, “She was really upset, really angry. She went from one extreme to the other in just three days.” That’s when Mimi learned that Flora was suffering from severe edema and needed to stay at the hospital for treatment. Mimi thought Flora was upset due to the physical struggles she was experiencing and hoped Flora would be better emotionally once her edema was under control.
“Looking back on it now, however, a lot of it was probably mental,” Mimi told us. “It wasn’t just something physical. It was also her mental health. She definitely wasn’t diagnosed. She definitely wasn’t taking medication.” A few days later, Flora was sent home with Amber but had to return to the hospital a short time later as her edema worsened. This time she stayed for a total of two weeks and wasn’t able to see Amber at all during that time. “We were in a pandemic,” Mimi said. “Flora felt so alone. She was really not doing well, emotionally, mentally, and physically.” When Flora did eventually return home, she was reunited with Amber. A nurse would visit her every couple of days to administer IV medication and her physical condition began to improve.
Though it seemed that Flora was on the mend physically, Mimi noticed that mentally, Flora seemed to be distancing herself from Amber.
Flora Babakhani
“She didn’t want to change her diapers and she didn’t want to feed her all that much,” Mimi told us. “But Flora never really expressed at that time that she was feeling really upset in any way. The only indication that we had was that she was quite disconnected from the baby.
” Weeks went by. Then, just over two months after Flora gave birth to Amber, and only three days before Flora tragically passed away, Flora suddenly messaged Mimi asking to speak to her sister urgently.
Flora told Mimi that she couldn’t say much other than that her life was over and that she was going to jail. She said people were watching her, her computer had been hacked, her apartment and phone were bugged, and that she would have to leave very soon.
She told her Mimi that she had transferred money to her sister because she was afraid someone was going to hack into her bank account.
“I had absolutely no idea what was going on,” Mimi said. “She was talking about identity theft so I asked her if she had gone to the police. She said going to the police wouldn’t help. I had no idea what was happening.
” Mimi told Flora she would call her the next day to help her figure out what was going on, but before she could do that, Flora called Mimi the next day herself, and apologized for her behaviour on the phone the previous evening. She said she was just really tired, not to worry, and that everything was fine. “I was in shock,” said Mimi. “How do you go from one extreme to the other like that?” Mimi kept asking Flora if she was sure she was ok and Flora kept saying she was completely fine.
“I promise, everything’s ok,” said Flora “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” Mimi replied.
It was the last time Mimi spoke to her sister.
“I didn’t know anything about postpartum psychosis,” said Mimi. “I had only ever heard about postpartum depression.”
Postpartum psychosis happens to approximately 1-2 in 1000 women. It is one of the rarest perinatal mental illnesses along the perinatal mental illness spectrum and it is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention. Symptoms can include paranoia, hyperactivity, rapid mood swings, and delusions or strange beliefs.
Mimi spoke to her mom and her mom said that she, her dad, and a few friends also noticed Flora’s strange behaviour that week and were trying to get Flora help. They tried enrolling her in a perinatal mental health program but Flora didn’t want to see a health care professional because she was afraid Amber would be taken away from her. Flora’s family managed to speak with a doctor over the phone on Thursday and made an appointment for Flora to see the doctor in person on Monday.
Tragically, on the Friday, the next day after her family spoke with the doctor, Flora died by suicide. That was January 14th, 2022, two months and ten days after Flora gave birth to Amber.
Flora Babakhani and Baby Amber
“She was so close to getting help,” Mimi told us. “I don’t think there was ever a proper assessment of any kind. And I’m shocked as well because when she did call me from the hospital three days later, and she was hysterical, and surrounded by doctors and nurses, I just thought, well, everyone’s assessing her physical health, why aren’t they checking on her mental health? That should be part of it.”
“I feel like the system doesn’t treat it (perinatal mental illness) with as much importance as it should have,” said Mimi. “It wasn’t until this happened that I realized how many women go through this. It’s so important to raise awareness.”
When the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative learned of Flora’s story, we were heartbroken and vowed to help Flora’s family and ensure that our work to improve perinatal mental health care in Canada continues
Through “Flora’s Walk for Perinatal Mental Health”, we are raising funds for little Amber who will be adopted by Mimi, set to give birth herself in April, and for CPMHC to continue our advocacy and awareness work.
You can donate and sign up as an individual walker or a Walk Leader. Start walking now or organize a group walk to take place on May 4th, 2022, World Maternal Mental Health Day. “May 4th was always mine, my sister’s, and my mom’s favourite day,
oddly enough,” said Mimi. “None of us liked Star Wars whatsoever, but we always sent each other messages and memes on May 4th each year with the saying ‘may the fourth be with you’. May the 4th without my sister this year is going to be really hard. We love that date, so the fact that the walk is happening on that date is amazing.”
“Flora would be so proud to raise awareness for other people because she was that type of person,” Mimi told us. “She would love that you are doing this in her honour.”
Here To Help
Big or small, whether you sign up as an Individual or a Walk Leader, CPMHC is here to support you every step of the way! After you sign up, you’ll be invited to join our Facebook group and attend our optional bi-weekly zoom meetings to answer any questions to help make your walk a success.
SPONSORSHIP: If you’re a business looking to sponsor our walk, please contact us at canpmhc@gmail.com